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About Us

About Golden Lion Publishing



We are an innovative, new publishing company looking for talented writers who are creatively inspired towards "making a difference." These submissions require a focus on: fiction, or fiction based on true events, as well as photographic, children or animal-based books.


Please Note: We do not accept any work with a political or inappropriate sexual nature.


Please review our submission guidelines carefully.


 - We only accept electronically submitted manuscripts for a timely review of your submission.

 - Please make sure that your manuscript has been well edited. A short synopsis should accompany your submission.

 - Please expect approximately eight weeks for a response on your submission. If you do not hear back from us by then,

    please accept our apologies if your submission does not meet our guidelines.

 - Please do not submit your work to us, as well as make simultaneous submissions to other publishers.


Manuscript Format:

 - Your manuscript should be long enough to tell a good story.

    Word count is not critical, as long as the book maintains interest. Here are some general guidelines: Novels are approx.

    35,000 +; Short Stories approx. 15,000.


 - Submissions should be in Times New Roman font and single spaced. Please indent paragraphs with no spaces between



 - Please include your query letter and synopsis in the email  body, and the entire manuscript in an attachment in Microsoft

    Word (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf) or PDF to  The subject of your email should read:  

    Genre Submission: Book Title - with the Author Name or it could be deleted as spam.


 - For photographic cover submissions - images need to be 300dpi (CMYK).


What makes us different? Our services include: design, marketing, PR, special event coordination and scheduling for book signings.


Please Note: Applicable fees are assessed on submission

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